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Next Hockey match-up

Sha8doW's picture

Considering we have set a date (14th Oct), i suppose we need to start informing people.
And one of us better contact Bob and book the rink…

Get the list going and sheet

The IPX Safe currently holds $100.00 of IPX funds


Sha8doW's picture

Next matchup

Considering we have set a date (14th Oct), i suppose we need to start informing people.
And one of us better contact Bob and book the rink…

Get the list going and sheet

The IPX Safe currently holds $100.00 of IPX funds

Sha8doW's picture

Updates from Bob

Has anyone had any updates on the new Team IPX Home Stadium!?
unless we find out soon were pushing it to play on the 14th!

Kazashi's picture

No updates

But I seriously doubt we’d be able to play by the 14th. Well, I guess there is a little update: I traveled past the Skatel a couple of days ago, they had a sign out saying they were moving to Russel St. Anyway, I can’t really focus on the hockey match at the moment, got more places to look at.

Fuzz's picture

Hockey date

Let’s just wait til we hear from Bob the opening day and we’ll pick the Sunday after that.

Kazozza's picture

Skatel II

Um… any news about Skatel 2?

Fuzz's picture


Nothing via email

Sha8doW's picture

Beyond a freaking joke!

Has anyone heard from Bob?

Fuzz's picture

nothing from me

nothing from me

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